Friday, December 25, 2015

A Very Vintage Christmas

(Dress: vintage from Ebay/ bow: Forever 21/ shoes: Target)

This Christmas Eve I was lucky enough to get to wear one of the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen and which I am lucky enough to own. I was quite overdressed for my family's humble gathering at my abuela's house, but I always take the chance to take out some of the fancier pieces in my closet on Christmas. Otherwise they would barely see the light of day, other than when I throw them on in my apartment on the days when I'm overcome by the beauty of a particular vintage gown. Besides, isn't it right to wear some of my favorite dresses on my favorite holiday?

This dress is by far my favorite in my closet now and maybe ever, because it has everything I could ever want in a dress. I love sheer bishop sleeves with cuffs, details like belts and buttons that add to the design and remain consistent with it, chiffon and velvet combinations, sheer layered skirts that I can twirl in, cinched waists, and romantic floral detail. This gorgeous gown has it all, including registers and registers of roses, my absolute favorite flower.

This dress even looks very similar to this beautiful dress featured in the Katy Perry cover story of Vogue for July 2013, which had the most beautiful and romantic dresses in shades of red and black that I have ever seen. I'm still dreaming of the day I find a similar dress to this Dolce and Gabbana one, which was my favorite in the whole article. Maybe Santa will bring it for me one year, if I'm really good...

On this Christmas Day and everyday, I hope you enjoy your family and friends and wear the things that make YOU happy, even if they are dressy or different or even super casual. And remember that you don't have to wait to be invited to a ball to put on your favorite gown and feel beautiful! I certainly never do.


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