Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Very College Christmas

This year, for the first time ever, I really decorated my college apartment for Christmas and went all out. I always want to, but every year I get discouraged because of everything that piles on at the end of the semester. Also discouraging is the fact that I don't even spend Christmas in college anyway and  thus won't ever get to enjoy the decorations for long. This year I decided to go all out anyways, so that the apartment was a little bit cheerier for finals and because I was really feeling the holiday spirit.

As a broke college student, I didn't have much money so I just used what lights I already had, got a few garlands and two rolls of wrapping paper from the dollar store, and made everything else. One of the easiest but funnest things I did was turn literally every door in our apartment (minus the two that have blinds) into snowmen.

My favorite part of the decorations was probably the little living room within our own living room that I created with the fake fireplace and tree. The fireplace was made of a cardboard box that I covered in paper with some strips of tape for the grout which I then painted to make the bricks before adding the other details. The Christmas tree was made out of cardboard boxes I stacked up with my upside-down laundry basket at the top, covered with spray-painted paper and decorated with a garland and a string of paper Christmas lights I made. Above the fireplace I even hung some "frames," two out of three which were family portraits in stick figure form contributed by my boyfriend, which I really loved.

Even though I am back in Miami for the holidays, I still wanted to share the decorations that I put so much love and time into (twenty hours to be exact) and a couple of the Christmas pictures I took with my wonderful roommates. I am really excited for decorating again today, this time my house back in Miami, as it appears my family has waited just for me to put up all our ornaments!

I hope all of you are getting into the holiday spirit, whatever holiday that may be, and that you all get to spend the last month of the year happily with family and friends!


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