Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sunflowers at Sunset

(Shirt: thrifted from my momma's closet/ shorts: Modcloth/ flower crown: Claire's/ earrings: Sale Rack in Miami/ necklace: the National Museum of the American Indian/ Yoda backpack: Amazon)

It's no secret I am obsessed with flowers, whether are little wildflowers next to the sidewalk in my neighborhood, flowers planted into the landscape or in gardens, or even simply in a vase. It really is so stunning though to see a whole field of flowers, especially ones as tall and as beautiful as sunflowers (my second favorite flower, after red roses). I had been once before to a sunflower field in Homestead this past summer, but only very briefly, and I wanted to go back with some of my girl friends.

I was kind of worried at first that the light might be bad since we went so late in the day. When we arrived though, I realized that the skies were still a gorgeous blue and the descending sun was making the whole field golden, so I was actually very happy. We had a lovely time walking through the field and just taking it all in until the sun had set. As per usual, I dressed up specifically for the occasion, with a sunflower crown and sunflower shorts. I also brought my new Yoda backpack, which I have become very attached to.

For anyone who can that lives in Miami, I recommend going if you can. It truly is an amazing sight and an almost magical experience. I myself hopefully will go back very, very soon!

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