Wednesday, December 16, 2015

DisneyBounding: Training in the Dagobah System

(tank top: Target/ pants: Forever 21/ shoes: Modcloth/ backpack: Amazon)

Are you all excited for The Force Awakens?? Can you tell that I am??

In honor of the movie coming out this Friday, I decided to do my next set of DisneyBounding pictures. I saw someone dressed up with a Yoda backpack on Halloween at FSU and was inspired by her to also pretend to be Luke training with Yoda in the Dagobah System. Thanks to this Yoda backpack, I was able to pull off the only Luke-ish outfit I have in my closet. I think the pictures (courtesy of my brother) turned out pretty well. 

You may notice that my hair is somewhat styled after Princess Leia's hair on Hoth, and that's because I took pictures dressed like her as well, which I will post tomorrow! Also Leia had the Force in her and if circumstances had turned out differently, she may have been trained alongside or instead of Luke. Plus she's still wonderful and witty.

Confession: Once I took these pictures, I refused to take the Yoda backpack off and instead wore it on my back at home, only taking it off last night in order to use it as a pillow. 

To see me dressed as Princess Leia on Hoth, click here. To see me dressed as Leia again and as Han Solo, stay tuned!

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