Friday, January 1, 2016

A Beautiful New Year's Eve

(Dress: vintage from Dusty Desert on Etsy/ earrings: Claire's/ bow: Forever 21)

Last night was a wonderful way to end a wonderful year. I wore a beautiful dress that complimented the beauty of some flowers in our yard, and then went to the Cheesecake Factory with my family. I ended the night by watching Disney movies and eating cheesecake with my lovely boyfriend, who gave me the best New Year's kiss ever.

2015 has been wonderful, and I have every hope and belief that 2016 will be even better. I have lots of plans, travel and otherwise, and I cannot express how excited I am for them all!

I hope you all had a great time celebrating the new year, and are just excited as I am for everything to come!


P.S. I couldn't resist including a picture with Elijah (below), because he looked so darn cute (as always).

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