Friday, January 15, 2016

Spotty Coordination

(Dress and stockings: Forever 21/ coat and shoes: Modcloth)

You may have noticed that I really love color, and that many of my outfits incorporate at least one bright color. I tend to avoid black for a couple reasons: I tend to feel like I'm going to a funeral or a business meeting, neither of which I find enjoyable, and it isn't a color that makes me happy to look at. Black clothing also feels too much like a uniform to me, since it actually was my uniform when I worked retail, and that makes me feel constrained and limited.

Black and white together, however, is a color combination I love to wear. I love the extreme contrast between the two, and how classic and elegant the combination feels, like this outfit that I wore Wednesday. I love the fact that almost all of the elements of the outfit also have polka dots, from the dress to the stockings, and even the lining of my coat. It all felt so put together and consistent. I even had matching white sunglasses with black polka dots, although they admittedly stayed in my backpack for most of the day.

Sadly this will probably be the last time I wear this exact outfit, due to runs that have been forming in the stocking. It was a beautiful combination while it lasted though!

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