Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Thrifted Treasures: A Week in Outfits

Last week was, as always, very busy and filled with both a lot of fun and a lot of work. The whole week was a rush to finish different projects and homework before I left town for Gainesville for the weekend. It was because of this rush that I don't have outfit pictures from Tuesday, but oh well. I also got really sick this weekend on top of being out of town so this post is really late. Better late than never though!


 (Shirt: secondhand Miccosukee patchwork from a vendor at a festival/ skirt: Forever 21/ earrings: Sale Rack in Miami)

Monday's outfit was built around my new patchwork shirt made by someone of the Miccosukee tribe, worn as an anti-celebration of Columbus Day. Instead of celebrating him, I celebrated the Indigenous Peoples of America, and so for Monday's outfit, only my patchwork shirt was important. To read about my Columbus Day post, which featured more Miccosukee patchwork, click here.

On another note related to this outfit and Halloween, it is ok to wear clothes that celebrate and show appreciation for Native American culture. It is not ok, however, to culturally appropriate Native "costume," or wear any other racist, stereotyped costume representing other groups for that matter. Even when those type of costumes are not inaccurate (which they usually are), they are extremely offensive. To watch a Buzzfeed video I found yesterday of actual Native Americans trying on and reacting to some "Indian" Halloween costumes, click here.


(Dress: vintage from Avant-Garb Vintage in Tallahassee/ shoes: Modcloth/ earrings: a little boutique near Glade Valley, North Carolina)

This vintage 90's dress was a recent find from a local vintage store's sale rack. For ten dollars, it was an awesome steal. The dress is so comfy and I love the front panel of the dress that makes me feel like a casual 90's princess. The print itself is a lot of fun, and the purple in the dress really matches with my hair.


(shirt: thrifted from Goodwill/ pants: Love Culture)

This was the first time I wore this amazing shirt that I got over the summer at Goodwill for just two dollars. It is beaded and feels really delicate, with some of the beads and strings already a little loose, but with gentle care it still has a lot of life left in it. I love everything about it and how, just like the other pieces I wore last week, it really is a wonderful thrifted piece that you can build a really nice and easy outfit around.

I think I am going to try to post a week in outfits every week now, but let's see how that works out as the semester starts to wrap up and work starts to pile up. These posts are a lot of fun for me though, not only because they require minimal work and no planning, but because every time I take pictures of my outfit, whether it be before or after class, I get to have a little fun and make myself smile and look excited so that for the rest of the day I end up genuinely smiling and excited.

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