Thursday, October 1, 2015

Weekend in Miami

This past weekend was my mom's fiftieth birthday, and I went down to try to surprise her and celebrate with her. Although she found out before I got there, she was still really happy I came. It was a really busy and packed weekend, but it was a lot of fun and I'm glad I got to spend time with some of my friends and family.

This beautiful and strange sunset was the only truly nice part of what is always a horribly tedious and uncomfortable bus ride, but what a sunset this was. I have never seen anything like it, and it seemed like a good omen for the weekend.


Friday started off the way every day always should: with good food and company. My grandma took me to IHOP and I ate some wonderful French toast covered with glazed strawberries and whipped cream. She then took me shopping for a few things at Target I needed, which turned into a lot of things that I didn't so much. My grandma and me both buy things on whim, so we can be a bit of a dangerous pairing at stores. We always have fun though.

We then went over to her apartment so I could see my grandpa and play with their really sweet, morbidly obese chihuahua puppy. After I got a crepe with my mama and played with my dogs at home a little bit, too. Playing with dogs is probably one of my favorite things about being home and one of the things I truly miss most emotionally when I'm gone. I always feel jealous and sad when I see other people around Tallahassee out and about with their own furry friends.

Another exciting thing I got to do later on Friday was help pick up my little sisters from their art class. They're such promising little artists who always stay after class to finish and perfect their work, so while they were doing that I got to watch them and talk to their wonderful art teachers.

Outfit of the Day

 (Tank top and shirt: Forever 21/ shorts: vintage from Etsy/ shoes: B.A.I.T. footwear/ earrings: Claire's)

This outfit had such beautiful sherbet rainbow colors in it that I really love. I wore this outfit a week after dying my hair purple, and since then I had worn only outfits with colors that really complimented my hair, so this outfit took me out of my comfort zone. Wearing it helped me realize how even though pastels and other colors might be a bit more of a challenge to wear now, I should still be able to wear anything my little heart desires from my closet.

The pictures themselves were a bit of a challenge to take since I waited until it was already night but still really wanted to take them outside by the pool without flash. The tripod I found lying around the house had a missing camera mount so I had to carefully strap my camera to it with the only string we had at home, which happened to be floss. I also had very little time from setting off the camera timer to get into position, and a lot of the time I wasn't still enough so they came out blurry. In the end I like how they turned out, even the ones with the blur for the light and the multiple moments they captured in one photograph.


 I've been wanting to go to a festival at the Miccosukee Resort for a while now but haven't gotten the chance. When I saw that they would be having an American Indian Day festival while I was down, I knew I had to go. My lovely friend Andrea took us there and we both had a great time looking at all the Seminole and Miccosukee crafts, including a lot of beautiful patchwork and beadwork. We also watched an alligator wrestling performance, a few different dances from other American Indian cultures, and saw a fashion show of Seminole patchwork, varying from very traditional to very modern. The fashion show was my favorite part, so much so that I am going to make a whole post about once I get the chance to research the topic a little more. For now, please enjoy one of my favorite pictures from the show of a fabulous Miccosukee girl waving happily in a Cinderella-esque dress with incorporated patchwork.

Outfit of the Day

 (Shirt and necklace: Forever 21/ shorts: Wet Seal/ shoes and hat: Target/ sunglasses: Urban Outfitters/ earrings: Claire's/ bracelet: National Museum of the American Indian in D.C.)

This outfit was planned out around my American Indian inspired jewelry, but also matched this lovely hat my grandma bought me Friday. With this hat, my hair and outfit not only complimented each other but perfectly matched!

Half a Century Young

Saturday night we celebrated my lovely mother's birthday by going to the Cheesecake Factory with all five of his children in tow as well as my grandparents. Needless to say, dinner was wonderful and desert was excellent. I didn't take any outfit pictures, but I did get the chance to snap this Polaroid with my mama after dinner.


Sunday was very rushed, but I got to see my other grandparents for breakfast and take this quick picture with the lovely Amber before rushing to pack my stuff and catch the bus for a long and cockroach-filled ride back up to Tallahassee. It was definitely worth it though to see everyone I could.

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