Tuesday, October 6, 2015

In Far Away Lands With Golden Locks

One last blonde-haired post, way after the fact!

Not only did I dress up as my favorite Disney characters before going purple, but also as my favorite blonde fantasy female characters. Of course one of them was a Lord of the Rings elf and another was the one and only Daenerys Targaryen. Just like for the Disney post, I used only materials and clothing I had on hand, and had fun doing it. It's amazing what easy costumes we sometimes have in our own closets that we don't even realize. I encourage everyone to be as creative as possible this Halloween (if you're actually cool enough to dress up) and see what you already have to work with. That being said, I hope you enjoy these photos that made me feel so magical!

Lady of Light

  (Shirt: Forever 21/ dress: part of a costume from Amazon/ circlet: handmade/ elf ears: a Renaissance festival )

The elves in the Lord of the Rings movies are some of the most beautiful and elegant looking people I have ever seen in a fantasy movie, if at times cold and distant, and I am admittedly very much infatuated with Orlando Bloom as Legolas and Lee Pace as Thranduil. There language is so beautiful and poetic and they seem so wise and mighty, even if their time has gone. One of the most beautiful and wise of the elves is Galadriel, Lady of Light and of Lorien, played by the always wonderful Cate Blanchett. I took these pictures with what was a very general Lord of the Rings inspired elvish costume, and just put together a very last minute circlet of some wire I had, but looking at the pictures again I realized that it sort of looks like Galadriel's own dress and circlet. That was a happy coincidence, even though I will never be nearly as beautiful and captivating as Galadriel or Cate Blanchett.

Mother of Dragons

  (Shirt: actually a skirt from GoJane.com/ skirt: Target)

Daenerys Targaryen is such a fabulous and sincere character on Game of Thrones, even though she still doesn't really know what she is doing or how to rule quite yet. I really wanted to dress up as her in one of her more beautiful dresses, but I didn't have any that would do her justice. Instead I threw together an outfit inspired by when she was still living among the Dothraki as Khaleesi, and took the photos to present the moment after her dragons are born out of the fire. To do that I made an admittedly horrid and unconvincing card stock dragon and put black eye shadow all over myself like soot. I loved creating this hairdo especially and wore it to school afterwards still feeling like a khaleesi.

I hope you enjoyed these nerdy photos, and I can't wait to show you what costume I am working on for Halloween!


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