Wednesday, September 30, 2015

On Wednesdays...

 (Shirt: from Bermuda/ shorts: vintage from Etsy/ shoes: American Eagle/ head wire: Forever 21/ necklace: Claire's/ bracelet and earrings: gifts)

Today's outfit wasn't intentionally pink, but it just sort of turned out that way after being planned out around these gorgeous pair of  pinkish, purplish floral shorts I got from a lovely Etsy shop called Wildwood Vintage. I haven't had the chance to wear them yet and I just wanted to make sure I got the chance to before cooler weather sets in. I've also been extremely obsessed with florals lately and I feel like I've been wearing them at least every other day. But there's nothing wrong with that, right?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

DisneyBounding: Blonde Edition

Anyone who knows me will know that I am crazy about Disney. Like many other kids, I grew up on Disney movies about princesses and heroes, magical lands, pirates, sword fights, wonderful animal side kicks, and beautiful and inspiring music. The characters that Disney has developed over the years and their wonderful personalities are a large part of what makes Disney so magical for me (problematic stereotyping and traditional gendering aside). 

Last week I decided to DisneyBound three of my favorite blonde Disney characters in order to celebrate my last week as a blonde before dying my hair purple. I used only what props and materials I had on hand or could quickly make, and these photos are the result. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them!


(Dress: vintage from Etsy/ chameleon earrings: Claire's/ flowers: handmade)

Tangled was such a beautiful movie with Rapunzel presented as such a wonderful innocent character, so it was wonderful to dress up as her. I actually had another much more simple and plain purple dress and outfit in mind, but this beautiful vintage dress that I had ordered on Etsy came in the day before I planned on taking the pictures, and I realized how perfect it was for Rapunzel. My chameleon earrings for channeling Pascal were purchased with dressing up as Rapunzel one day in mind a while back. The flowers I had already cut out and painted with the intention of adding them to the 200 or so flowers I have already put up on my walls, so I just sewed them loosely onto barrettes and stuck them in my hair.


 (Dress: vintage from Miami Twice/ shoes: Modcloth with cotton ball shoe clips/ wings: handmade/ elf ears: a Renaissance festival)

Tinkerbell is such an incredibly fiery and emotional character that communicates how she feels despite only speaking in bells. One of the reasons I really love her was that she is so different from the other female characters created before the Disney Renaissance in the 90's. She can be a bit naive and rash at times, but in the end she's very loyal and spirited. Dressing as her was pretty easy to do, and the wire wings I made literally only took me two hangers, two minutes, and a little bit o duct tape. The shoe clips were pretty easy too, as all I did was glue cotton balls onto barrettes. The only problem was that the cotton balls started to fall apart when I walked around and took the pictures so I kept having to put it back together very roughly. Also I love these elf ears that I got at a Renaissance festival earlier this year and I look for any excuse to put them on.


(Dress: Forever 21/ necklace: gift)

Due to Frozen's popularity, dressing up as Anna and especially Elsa has become a little cliche, but I love Frozen too, so I just went for it anyways. I've had this dress forever, and it's perfect for Elsa so I just went for it. In preparation for these photos, all I had to do was cutout a whole bunch of snowflakes and draw Olaf on a piece of paper with magic markers. It was really fun repetitively throwing snowflakes in the air, though not as fun picking them all up between takes.

This DisneyBounding post was a lot of work but also really enjoyable, considering how much I love Disney, dress up, and pictures. In fact it was so fun that think I might make it a recurring feature on my blog, especially considering how many DisneyBounding outfits from my closet I always come up in my head.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved working on it!


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Purple Hair Don't Care

After over a month of bleaching and toning my hair, I have now finally dyed it purple and I LOVE IT!! I used Pravana's Chromasilk Vivids in Violet and mixed it with conditioner. I pictured it turning out a little bit lighter honestly with all the conditioner I put in it, but I actually like how it turned out. I have really missed having my dark hair and now with this shade of purple, I won't have to anymore. The color is so vibrant and as the name suggests, vivid, which is perfect for me because I love colors that are simultaneously dark and bright. I also love how dramatic red looks on me now with my purple hair and how easy it will be to wear my two favorite colors now: one in my hair and the other on my lips. My new hair was definitely worth all the trouble and bleach that went into it, and I'm very excited to show it off at school this week!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Darker Shades of Jewel


 (Blazer: Target/ top: Ross/ skirt: Forever 21/ necklace and earrings: Lulu's/ shoes: Modcloth)

I meant to post this last week, but life has been super hectic. This was my favorite school outfit from last week, worn on Tuesday, with beautiful dark jewel tones. This is the first time I've been able to wear this boyfriend blazer since early spring, which I'm pretty happy about. The colors are this outfit are very fall, even though I usually don't dress for the season since I live in Florida anyways and there are no seasons. Also even though I love theming, I refuse to let the month of the year dictate what colors I can and cannot wear.

My apologies for not posting in over a week, but that being said, I have a lot of exciting things coming up here so keep a lookout!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Mermaid Monday

(Bathing Suit: Hell Bunny Official/ necklace: just a shell I put on a chain/ anklet: somewhere in Bermuda/ shell float: Pinch-a-Penny)

Labor Day weekend is unfortunately over, and school/real life is back in session, but long weekends are always so nice while they last. I hope you all had a great weekend! I know I definitely did. My Labor Day weekend was pretty fun (if lazy) but Monday was the best. The only thing I really did was hangout by the pool in my apartment, which is conveniently only fifty feet from my room, if that. It was a grey day but my neon pink shell float made up for it and the water was pretty warm.

My family actually owns two Pinch-a-Penny pool stores and my dad is always nice enough to let us kids take pool floats from his stock when we see something we like, and that's how I got this lovely shell float. I never got the chance to use it in Miami though, so I really wanted to use it at least once while it was still warm enough. Of course I put on my favorite, most mermaid-like bathing suit I had for the occasion.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I adore the print on this Hell Bunny Official bathing suit, with all the little seahorses, the shells,the starfish, and of course the bubbles. I don't really wear one pieces because I tend to find them lacking in support, but this bathing suit doesn't give me that problem at all. I also love how the shape of the bathing suit is very 1950's and how it just generally makes me feel like a beautiful mermaid pinup, especially when I'm also floating on a giant pink shell.

My necklace is literally just a shell from my very large collection that I just put on a plain silver chain for the day. I really want to make a statement necklace out of the shells in my collection, but I am not too great at making jewelry and always procrastinate on DIY projects, so we'll see if that ever gets done.

It really was nice though to just float around for a while and enjoy the pool before the weather starts to get chilly. I had the pool entirely to myself as I just paddled around on my neon pink shell float and talked to my boyfriend, who was sitting poolside (he is coming down with something and didn't want to make it worse). After yesterday I feel very relaxed and prepared to face colder weather now that I've gotten the chance to use my shell float. Fall can still take its sweet time though if it wants though, I won't complain. Like a true Miami girl, I feel most comfortable in constant eighty degree weather.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Brunette to Blonde

My whole life until last Saturday, I've been a brunette and until about a month ago, I've always had the same dark straight hair. For a while though I've been wanting to try a crazy hair color, specifically a pink or purple. I've been very apprehensive to do it though, because I knew I would have to bleach and damage my hair in the process. Besides that and the fear of not liking the result as much as I love my natural hair, I was scared because of how much my natural hair has been a part of my identity for my whole life. My hair is part of the physical manifestation of myself, and part of what helps make and represent who I am. I don't just think of myself as someone with natural dark brown hair, I think of myself as a brunette. It was for this reason that I decided to leave my hair alone and just be content with the beautiful near-raven hair I've been blessed with.

About a month ago I made a bet with a friend that if she did something, then I would just go for it and dye my hair purple. I probably made that bet knowing I would probably lose because even though I was anxious about it, I did want to try something crazy while I still could without having to worry about consequences. I lost the bet and the next day I bought a box of bleach and began the process.

I didn't really know what I was doing and although most of my hair slightly lightened, it was super uneven. Although I didn't love it and I missed my dark hair, I was still a brunette and told myself to stop freaking out and just enjoy the change. In the end though I couldn't hep but try to downplay the differences.

The ultimate goal was and is still purple though, so with that in mind last week I stuck two boxes of the strongest bleach into my hair for two hours and tried to get to platinum. After those two hours though I just decided to wash it out rather than wait until my hair started falling off my head.

The result of the intensive bleaching was moderately damaged strawberry blonde hair which I had very mixed although mostly negative feelings about.

Personally, I strongly associate blonde hair with the ideal standard of female beauty that society advocates. When I was really little, I guess the idea of blonde as beautiful and ideal was quickly and strongly ingrained into me, as not only did I long to be blonde, but thought anyone who was blonde was automatically beautiful and flawless. As I grew older this idea thankfully didn't really stick with me, and as I was exposed to more varied ideas about beauty, I learned to see it everywhere and in everyone. I became very proud of my own hair, and saw my dark hair as a symbol of my own unique beauty.

Bleaching my hair blonde, even if it was temporary, to me felt like giving into society's standards and going against who I am, and that's how I felt at first walking around school on Monday with my now blonde hair. It felt strange looking into mirrors when I went to the bathroom, my still dark eyebrows a reminder of what my hair was really supposed to look like.

But then I realized something: it's just hair. So what if I'm currently a blonde? I know that I have not given myself over to society's standards of beauty, and that I have not given in to pressure to conform to a certain idea. I'm just having fun and experimenting with what I look like and a different form of expressing myself, not who I am. With that mindset, I am now enjoying temporarily having hair that is so nearly the opposite of what I've been used to my whole life.

I'm still really excited to finally be able to dye it purple. Before dying it purple though but after I reach platinum, I fully plan on putting my hair half up and putting on elf ears I bought at a Renaissance Festival. I will then proceed into the nearest woods to take pictures while pretending to be a wood elf and Thranduil's new bride.