Thursday, September 24, 2015

DisneyBounding: Blonde Edition

Anyone who knows me will know that I am crazy about Disney. Like many other kids, I grew up on Disney movies about princesses and heroes, magical lands, pirates, sword fights, wonderful animal side kicks, and beautiful and inspiring music. The characters that Disney has developed over the years and their wonderful personalities are a large part of what makes Disney so magical for me (problematic stereotyping and traditional gendering aside). 

Last week I decided to DisneyBound three of my favorite blonde Disney characters in order to celebrate my last week as a blonde before dying my hair purple. I used only what props and materials I had on hand or could quickly make, and these photos are the result. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them!


(Dress: vintage from Etsy/ chameleon earrings: Claire's/ flowers: handmade)

Tangled was such a beautiful movie with Rapunzel presented as such a wonderful innocent character, so it was wonderful to dress up as her. I actually had another much more simple and plain purple dress and outfit in mind, but this beautiful vintage dress that I had ordered on Etsy came in the day before I planned on taking the pictures, and I realized how perfect it was for Rapunzel. My chameleon earrings for channeling Pascal were purchased with dressing up as Rapunzel one day in mind a while back. The flowers I had already cut out and painted with the intention of adding them to the 200 or so flowers I have already put up on my walls, so I just sewed them loosely onto barrettes and stuck them in my hair.


 (Dress: vintage from Miami Twice/ shoes: Modcloth with cotton ball shoe clips/ wings: handmade/ elf ears: a Renaissance festival)

Tinkerbell is such an incredibly fiery and emotional character that communicates how she feels despite only speaking in bells. One of the reasons I really love her was that she is so different from the other female characters created before the Disney Renaissance in the 90's. She can be a bit naive and rash at times, but in the end she's very loyal and spirited. Dressing as her was pretty easy to do, and the wire wings I made literally only took me two hangers, two minutes, and a little bit o duct tape. The shoe clips were pretty easy too, as all I did was glue cotton balls onto barrettes. The only problem was that the cotton balls started to fall apart when I walked around and took the pictures so I kept having to put it back together very roughly. Also I love these elf ears that I got at a Renaissance festival earlier this year and I look for any excuse to put them on.


(Dress: Forever 21/ necklace: gift)

Due to Frozen's popularity, dressing up as Anna and especially Elsa has become a little cliche, but I love Frozen too, so I just went for it anyways. I've had this dress forever, and it's perfect for Elsa so I just went for it. In preparation for these photos, all I had to do was cutout a whole bunch of snowflakes and draw Olaf on a piece of paper with magic markers. It was really fun repetitively throwing snowflakes in the air, though not as fun picking them all up between takes.

This DisneyBounding post was a lot of work but also really enjoyable, considering how much I love Disney, dress up, and pictures. In fact it was so fun that think I might make it a recurring feature on my blog, especially considering how many DisneyBounding outfits from my closet I always come up in my head.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved working on it!


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