Friday, November 20, 2015

Nautical Dame

(Dress: vintage from Etsy/ shirt: Forever 21/ shoes: earrings: Claire's)

This Wednesday afternoon was the opening to my Museum Object class's exhibit, titled This Is How It Happened: An Officer's Perspective on Okinawa, 1944-1946.  It looks at the war and specifically the aftermath and occupation by the US of Okinawa right after the war through the photos of Donald H. Kupfer, a minor officer in the Navy who was drafted in 1944 and came to Okinawa around the time that the fighting stopped. We all were really proud of our exhibit and how it turned out and were happy with the amount of people that went to our opening. It was really great seeing the product of a semester's worth of work, and if you are in Tallahassee, I recommend you check it out.  You can find all the info here.

 In honor of the exhibit opening, I decided to dress the part. I finally had an occasion to wear this gorgeous velvet sailor's dress that I have had in my closet for five years. I also somehow managed to do a forties hairstyle pretty well, victory rolls and all!

P.S. Sorry about my purple hands, I retouched my hair Wednesday morning without gloves.

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