Saturday, March 26, 2016

Peacock Queen

(Dress: from Barrio Vintage on Etsy/ flower crown: Claire's/ earrings: Macy's/ shoes: Modcloth)

This past Tuesday was my 21st birthday, and unlike most birthdays, this year I really felt different and excited, and not because I can now purchase alcohol, but because this coming year looks like it will be one of the greatest years of my life. In a little more than four weeks, I will be traveling to Europe for a month, and when I come back I will be interning with the Smithsonian in D.C. Next school year will also be my last as an undergrad, and as challenging and scary as that may be, I am really looking forward to it and whatever comes afterwards.

For a very long time I have known exactly who I am and been very happy and confident in myself. Although I did struggle with self-image in middle school and early high school, it's been years since I looked in the mirror and thought negatively about myself. Instead, the person I see in my reflection usually makes me smile, because I know that she is strong, independent, unique, creative, and beautiful both inside and out. Even on bad days, I have been able to separate the negative thoughts I am having from what I really think about myself.

This past year and a half, however, I have been doubting myself and whether I will be able to make it in the museum world as a curator. I also experienced a lot of loneliness and longing to belong and fit in, like I haven't felt in a long time.

This semester, however, I have been recovering from letting myself feel all that negativity and I am now starting to appreciate how much I have grown recently. I have again become completely comfortable with who I am and who I am not, what I am doing, and where I am going, even if the answer to those questions, especially the last one, may have changed a little bit. I feel less and less need for other people's validation and approval, and have rediscovered a love for having solo adventures.

Embracing and loving who you are as a person and realizing what you bring to the world is an incredible thing that everyone should try to consciously do. Be your own number one fan, and don't be ashamed of the things that make you who you are, whatever that may be. For me that means sometimes going out in a vintage 1970s peacock dress with a flower crown on fantasizing myself to be a Peacock Queen in all my colorful and purple glory. I challenge everyone to embrace their inner peacock and confidently and openly show to the world who you really are!

I would also like to give a special shout out to Elijah for being an amazing boyfriend who truly treated me like a queen on my birthday and who treats me like an equal partner every day. It is truly incredible how much of a difference the right people can have on your life, and I am forever grateful that he is such a large part of mine.

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Night at the Pop Century Resort

 (Main outfit details: shirt: thrifted from my mom's closet/ skirt: Forever 21/ jacket and shoes: Target/ head scarf: vintage from Ebay/ earrings: thrifted from Sale Rack in Miami/ necklace: Miami Twice)

This spring break was truly one to remember. I left the North American continent for the first time to go to London for a week, and on the way there and back, I managed to squeeze in two mini Disney trips.

The first night of my spring break I had intended to spend in Orlando International Airport after spending a lovely day at Disney. Instead, thanks to the kindness of my lovely mother, I got to spend the night at a Disney hotel, the Pop Century Resort, instead! I fell in love with the resort as soon as my cab pulled into the property. The Pop Century Resort has buildings themed by decade, from the 50s to the 90s, with sayings from the time period along the top and silhouettes of people dressed in the fashion on the side, as well as things that symbolize the decade. It was this retro and vintage loving girl's dream hotel come true.

I stayed in the 90s building, which I was excited to see had quotes from one of my favorite movies, Clueless, along the top (As if!!). I also really liked the giant Mickey phone they had in the 80s section. What really caught my eye though was the 60s buildings, covered in flowers and peace symbols.

I took a couple pictures of the resort after I checked in before heading to the parks, but the next day I got up early to take lots and lots of pictures, dressing up in the best 60s inspired outfit I could muster from my luggage. I had so much fun posing and taking pictures in front of the 60s area that I never got to the 50s section before I had to go catch my shuttle to the airport. I really loved exploring the resort, and I intend to go back sometime soon to explore the 50s buildings I missed.

The Pop Century Resort is just an example of how Disney has made every part of a guest's experience truly magical. All of Disney World is so beautifully curated and created that you don't even need to go to the parks to have a magical time.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Can You Tell I Voted?

(Shirt: The Whitepepper/ skirt: vintage from 58 Petticoats on Etsy/ shoes: Modcloth/ headband: Amazon/ necklace: vintage from The Other Side Vintage in Tallahassee)

Hello, all! I know haven't been posting regularly at all this year, but I have been busy with school work, internship applications, traveling, and this week with voting.

As everyone knows, the unfortunate Florida primaries took place this past Tuesday, the day I finally got back from my amazing spring break travels to Disney World and London (which I will post about soon). I was exhausted after nearly two weeks away from my apartment, but I still made sure to walk to my voting location and make my voice heard. Naturally, I changed out of my dirty travel clothes and into a themed outfit for the occasion.

I have had this very patriotic vintage square dancing skirt and matching top since last fall, but had not found the right occasion to wear it until this week (although do you really need an excuse to literally wear your patriotism on your sleeve??). I thought it might be a little too intense to wear the whole square dancing outfit just for the polls though, especially considering how bad my currently very washed-out hair looks against red right now. Instead, I paired the skirt with my new button-down crop-top from The Whitepepper,

Tired and disheveled as I was, I was glad to be carrying out my right and civil duty to vote. I think we can all agree that this presidential election so far has been a real mess, which can be very discouraging and create a lot of feelings of apathy. It can also feel like a lot of pressure to stay informed and figure out which candidate would be best for the job, but you shouldn't decide not to vote because you feel overwhelmed. There are plenty of non-partisan organizations that have guides to where everyone stands on different issues.

When it comes down to it, even though all elections and politicians may seem very distant you and your life, they very much affect all of us in the U.S. Whoever gets elected, whether you vote for them or not, will help set policies and make laws that will directly impact almost every aspect of your everyday life, from medical access and health decisions, to education, the environment, wages, social programs, and of course taxes. So make your opinion heard and go vote for the candidate that best represents you! Many primaries are over, but your state's primary might have yet to take place. There is also the general election in November and of course local elections.

On a personal note: I will have a great many excuses this summer to dress all patriotic, as I got an internship with the Smithsonian's Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage in D.C.! I accepted the internship Tuesday so my outfit was also in celebration of that as well.