Sunday, June 19, 2016

Disneybounding: I'm a Natural Blue

 (Dress: thrifted from Goodwill/ necklace: somewhere in Venice)

My life has been crazy busy for the last couple months, what with finals, traveling through Europe for a month, moving to D.C. for the summer, and starting my internship with the Smithsonian. I have had some really incredible experiences and moments that I am really excited to eventually share here with all my lovely readers. However, until I get through the thousands of photos I have taken, I wanted to put up a little post inspired by Finding Dory.

After realizing the movie was already out on Friday, my boyfriend and I decided to go after I got out of work. Of course, being the nerd that I am, I wanted to dress up in honor of my favorite little blue fish for the occasion. By happy accident I was already wearing a royal blue dress that day, so once I got home, I just added this orange necklace that makes me think of coral and anemones. Then I went and took dorky pictures in front of a yellow wall in the house I am subleasing and voilĂ : my inner Dory had been captured on camera.

The movie itself was really cute and had a lot of great messages about family, people with disabilities, and how we should treat the ocean, among other things. The messages really tied in well to our trip to the National Zoo on Saturday, where they had an exhibit called Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea. The exhibit consisted of sculptures of sea creatures made entirely of plastic pollution that had been taken out of the ocean. The sculptures of the specific animals were made out specific plastic pollution that tied into the problems those animals face in the ocean, and each sculpture had a sign of what we could each do in our daily life to help. Not only was it really educational, but I personally thought the sculptures were really well done, so I wanted to share some of the pictures I took of them here.

I hope you enjoyed looking at the sculptures, as sad as their message may be. We should all try to help the ocean become and stay clean, anyway we can. Just like Dory, the ocean is a natural blue, and should remain that way, free of trash and pollution.

To learn more about the exhibit, you can visit the National Zoo's page about it on their website here.